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AWS Services
public vs private services in terms of networking Private services runs on VPC, only connected to VPC can access it.
3 different networks:
- Public internet zone
- AWS public zone (S3)
- Access using Internet as transit
- AWS private zone (VPC isolated, EC2)
- Accessed to Internet via Internet Gateway
- Can be given public IP - one-to-one to internet gateway
- On-premise can access VPC only if configured via VPN or Direct Connect
AWS Global Infrastructure
Two types of deployment:
- AWS Regions - Full Compute, Storage, DB, Ai, Analytics
- Geographic separation - isolated fault domain
- Geopolitical separation - different governance
- Location control - performance
- Edge Locations - Local distribution points
- smaller but more
- Faster data transfer
Region referred via:
- Region code (ap-southeast-2)
- Availability zones (ap-southeast-2a, 2b, 2c) - isolated
- Connected high speed and low latency
- Region name (Asia Pacific (Sydney))
VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) - way to create private network
Service Resilience
- Globally Resilient - global (IAM, Route 53)
- Region Resilient - multiple availability regions
- AZ Resilient - 1 availability zone
- Very prone to failure
Virtual Private Cloud
VPC - service to create private networks inside AWS that other services run on or service to connect to other cloud platforms when creating multi-cloud deployment
- A VPC = A virtual network inside AWS
- VPC is within 1 account and 1 region
- Private and isolated unless decided
2 types:
- Default VPC - max one per region
- Custom VPCs - can have many, require end-to-end configuration, 100% private
VPC Basics
- No way to communicate outside their network
- Region resilient
- VPC CIDR - defines start and range of IP Address (default only one, custom can have many)
- VPC divided into subnets, each into 1 availability zone and cannot overlap
Default VPC
- One per region - editable
- Default VPC CIDR is always
- /20 subnet in each AZ in the region
- Provided Internet Gateway (IGW), Network ACL, Security Group (SG)
- Subnets have public IPv4 addresses
AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
AWS EC2 - provides access to virtual machines (instances)
deploys comute: - operating system - runtime environment - database dependencies - application interfaces
Key facts: - IAAS - Provides virtual machines (instances) - Private service default, uses VPC - AZ Resilient - Different instance sizes and capabilities - On-demand billing per second - Local on-host storage or Elastic block storage (EBS)
Instance lifecycle:
- Running
- Has CPU, memory, networking, and storage
- Stopped
- No CPU, memory, networking
- Still charged for storage
- Terminated (one-off, fully deleted)
- No charges at all
Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
AMI can be used to create or created from EC2 instance - Permissions: - Public - everyone allowed - Owner - Implicit allow - Explicit - specific AWS accounts allowed - Root volume - Block Device Mapping - Data volume
EC2 can run any OS.
- Connect to windows using RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) in port 3389
- Connect to linux using SSH in port 22
SSH Key pair (two parts of same key): - Private key (shown once) on local to authenticate - Public key on the instance
Private key file format
- .pem for linux or newer windows (OpenSSH)
- .ppk for older widows or PuTTy terminal
AWS EC2 - Amazon Linux - T2 Micro
cd /Users/brianrahadi/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/PARA/Projects/courses/cantril-saa/ec2
ssh -i "A4L.pem"
- Instance
- Security Groups
- Global Storage Platform - regional based/ resilient
- Public service, unlimited data and multi-user
- Perfect for hosting large amounts of data
- Economical and accessed via UI/ CLI/ API/ HTTP
- Default AWS Storage
S3 types:
- Objects - data that s3 stores
- Key: koala.jpg -> value: content (0 byte to 5TB)
- Object has Version ID, Metadata, Access Control, Subresources
- Buckets - container for objects
- (ap-southeast-2) Never leaves unless configured
- bucket names are globally unique
- Has unlimited objects and flat structure
- Folder in S3 is referred to as prefixes
- 3-63 character, all lowercase, no underscores
- Start with lowercase letter or number
- Cannot be IP formatted
- Buckets - 100 soft limit, 1000 hard per account
S3 is an object sore, not file or block
- Cannot mount an S3 bucket (K:/ or /images)
- Great for large scale data storage
- Great for offload
- Input and/or Output to many AWS products
AWS CloudFormation
Tool to create, update, and delete infrastructure in AWS in consistent and repeatable ways using templates (YAML/ JSON).
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "version date"
template metadata
## mandatory
set of resources
Template to create EC2 Instance
Type: 'AWS::EC2::Instance'
ImaeID: !Ref LatestAmiId
InstanceType: !Ref InstanceType
KeyName: !Ref KeyName
Template + Logical Resource -> Stack -> Physical Resource
Template to create/ update/ delete stack
AWS CloudWatch
Product that collects and manages operational data
- Metrics - AWS Products, Apps, on-premises
- Cloudwatch Logs - AWS Products, Apps, on-premises
- CloudWatch Events - AWS Services and schedules
Cloudwatch can be used from anywhere.
- Some metrics gained natively (CPU utilization by EC2)
- Cloudwatch Agent - gain metrics outside of AWS in other environments
Container for monitoring data to make things not messy and separate it
- Regular container (any name)
- AWS/service (ex: AWS/EC2)
Contain related metrics - time ordered set of data points - might receive data from differentiate EC2 instances - CPU Utilization Metric - datapoint (from many servers) contains timestamp and value - Dimension separate datapoints for different things or perspectives within same metric
Alarams are created and linked to specific metric and will take action based on the metric
State can be: - OK - no action - ALARM - SNS or action
Shared Responsibility Model
- Customer - Security IN the cloud
- Customer Data
- Platform, Application, OS, Network
- AWS - Security OF the cloud
- Software (compute, storage, database, networking)
- Hardware/ Infra (Region, availability zones, edge locations)
High-Availability vs Fault-Tolerance vs Disaster Recovery
High-Availability - ensure an agreed level of operation performance (uptime) for higher than normal period - Designed to be online and provide services as often as possible (with automation) - Maximizing system’s online time - Example: - 99.9% (Three 9’s) = 8.77 hours yearly downtime - Not about preventing user disruption, can still have when we have failure - Need more costs and automation
Fault tolerance - property that enables system to continue operating properly in the event of failure of one or more components - designed to work through failure with no configuration - operating through failure and more expensive than just having high availability
Disaster recovery - set of policies, tools, and procedures to enable recovery following a disaster (natural/ human).
Pre-planning -> DR Process - preplan for everything in advance - Having backup premises/ location - Local infrastructure having resilience - backup hardware/ cloud - Ideally run periodic DR testing
- High-availability - minimize any outages
- Fault-Tolerance - Operate through faults
- Disaster Recover - Used when these don’t work
Provides 2 main services:
- Register Domains
- Host zones (managed nameservers)
Route53 characteristics:
- Global service - single database
- Globally resilient
Route53 - 1 manage 1 zone (.com, .io, .net)
PIR - org
- Check top-level domain
- Create zone file (database) containing DNS info
- Allocate name services (4 each for 1 zone)
- Add name service record into zone file (.org TLD)
Hosted zones
- Zone files in AWS
- Hosted on four managed name servers
- Can be public or private (VPCs)
- Stores records (recordsets )
- Hosted zones - create or manage DNS zones within the product
- Register domain
Name Servers
Nameservers record - allow delegation in DNS
From Root .com zone (multiple names, delegation happens) - ( NS
RECORDS (how to access the record) - zone
A and AAAA Records
Given DNS records, map Host to IP - Map A record to ipv4 - Map AAAA record to ipv6
Solution architect generally make two record same name (A and AAAA)
CNAME Records
canonical name let you create equivalent of DNS shortcuts (Host to Host)
A server map to ipV4
A record server map the 3 CNAMEs to the single A server (not the ip): - ftp - mail - www
Resolve to same ip address and reduce overhead
MX Records
Used to know which server to pass the email to
MX records:
- priority and value
- MX 10 mail
- MX 20 mail.other.domain (FQDN)
How MX records used:
- email server looks at 2 address on the mail (focuses on domain)
- Uses MX query using DNS on
- Check priority value (lower is higher priority)
- lower priority used if others are not working
- Uses this to connect mail server using SMTP (protocol for mail)
MX records - how server can find mail server for specific domain
TXT Records
Allow you to add arbitrary text to domain to provide additional functionality - to prove domain ownership - System might ask us to add text record so external email system would query and matches it
TTL - Time To Live
TTL value - something that can be set in DNS
- Client connecting to
- Queries DNS using resolver server
- Resolver server talks to DNS root that points to dot com
- Resolver queries those servers dot com
- Resolver access and has record for WWW and TTL (authoritative answer - single source of truth)
- results stored in resolver server
- If another client query same thing, get WWW TTL 3600. It is quicker but non-authoritative. Normally do not change, but can be incorrect.
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