why types


  • some languages got by (python, ruby, js)
  • involve extra typing
  • limit what program can do (-)


  • less bugs
  • easier to read
  • many dynamically typed also have types
  • can limit what a program can do (+) - maintainable

what are types

type is

  • set of values
  • how values used (add, subtract)

by limiting values/ possible operations, easier to prove program is correct to a degree

instatically typed language, describe set of values ahead of time, without running code

goals and tradeoffs

writing out types complex

  • extra typing
  • expressing static types can be limiting
    • one solution is polymorphism


generally 4 types

universal polymorphism - types that can comprise an infinite number of other types

  1. runtime polymorphism - subtypes, inheritance
  2. parametric polymorphism - templates, generics

ad hoc polymorphism - types that can comprise finite set of explicitly specified types with disparate structure 3. overloading - write for each type 4. coercion - string_view

all form have benefits and costs, but juniors struggle w/ inheritance vs parametricity

runtime vs parametric polymorphism

parametric polymorphism - defines fresh type for new parameters

  • std::array<int,5> != std::array<int, 6>
  • static type check
  • resolved at compile-time, performant gains

runtime polymorphism - resolve operation dynamically at run-time through indirection

  • indirection more flexible and more uniform view
  • hides specific type (decoupling)

both can be combined

  • done well, get strengths of both
  • done poorly, get weaknesses of both
  • parametric derived classes - create family of types satisfying interface
  • parametric base class - pass info from derived to base to improve safety & performance

both enables open/ closed principle

  • open to extension (customize)
  • closed to modification (original code unmodified)

both enables program with holes

bool any_of(const Collection& c, Predicate p) {
	for (const auto& el : c) {
		if (p(c)) {
			return true;
	return false;


plain composition simpler than polymorphism

  • but harder to satisfy open/ closed
  • think types as set of values
    • enum (OR) - +
    • struct (AND) - x

algebraic data types - constructed through basic relational compositions of values

  • product types are records
  • sum types are discriminated unions


thinking types as set of values can ensure correctness, flexibility, and performance

4 major forms of polymorphism have been in use for decades

  • give power when designing types

algebraic data types use composition of types to provide safe and convenient handling of finite sets