i have a habit of procrastinating my computer science classes by… learning some other cs topic outside of classes.

this time, i decided to learn golang. it has been really enjoyable for the most parts. it’s modern, statically-typed, and just simple.

one of the things i am not fond of is its lack of functional programming capabilities. coming from learning haskell, doing scala for my first co-op, and enjoying typescript’s map, find, filter, reduce.

so, right now, i decided to solve https://adventofcode.com/ to learn more about its languages

side note, really happy with this library - https://github.com/samber/lo to use map, find, filter, reduce and its friends in go. Browsing through the articles about this, this is not the ‘go’ way of doing things. I think there’s a good middle-ground of using it and not abusing the FP paradigm.

let’s see if i can finish it, hopefully for the first 15 days at least :)).