software architecture - tool to manage and guide complexity through design
- overall structure of system, include components
- how to communicate and control behaviour
- non-functional requirements
issue also across boundaries
- design patterns x enterprise system design
- monolith x microservice
architecture goals
software architecture should help
- identify key design constraints
- analyze design tradeoffs
- guide design of potential solutions
architecture is still iterative and incremental
architectural styles
pipe and filter/ pipeline
- filter operate on data
- pipe connects filter
- example: unix pipe, compiler
- check Crafting Interpreters
- easy to understand and maintain
- if pipe common type, filter can be dynamic or reordered
- favor batch process over incremental
client server
- independent client make request of server
- server wait for request and handle
- scalable monolith
- high fan in
- client independent and decoupled
- client coupled to server (how to replace?)
- server register with broker
- client request forwarded through broker to server
- server wait for request to handle
- can do load balancing
- client independent and decoupled
- horizontal scaling of broker and server
- broker become SPOF
- become more complex
- event subscribers register with mediator/ broadcast
- publishers broadcast events
- subscribers notified and process event
- highly decoupled
- easy to use
- no ordering guarantee
- hard to understand if actor dependent
- cohesive abstractions separated into layers
- clear interfaces to allow replacing layers
- can focus on each layer
- identify clear layer boundaries
- higher layer may coupled to lower layer
more recent styles
layer can be more explicitly decoupled
- focus on layer with component at core
- depend on interfaces for other layers
dependency inversion - interface between layer to further decouple
known as hex, port and adaptor, onion architecture, clean architecture
other idioms:
- modern monoliths (single prog apps)
- service oriented architecture
- microservices
visualizing design
don’t overrely on UML for formalism
2 common hurdles:
- hierarchy/ abstaction
- perspective - flow state
consider system from multiple hierarchies to avoid missing big picture
prefer to reduce # of boundary crossings and places
- example: parse whole files first, process it then, and output after
prefers batch processing unless incrementality is required
- only at google scale, incrementality is required
- cleaner and can group related gode
prefer in-flight data immutable
- easy to check corrupted object
start by user story then follow data