Bootstraping EC2 using User Data

Bootstrapping - process to allow system to self-configure. It allows EC2 build automation.

User Data - accessed via meta-data IP


  1. AMI launch instance
  2. EC2 provides userdata to instance
  3. Instance execute user data, may have bad config
  4. Instance ready for service

Key points:

  • Opaque to EC2, just block of data
  • Not secure
  • Limited to 16 KB in size
  • Modifiable when instance stopped
  • Executed only one at launch

Boot-time-to-service-time - how quickly launched instance ready for service

  • Time for AWS to provision + software update

Enhanced Bootstrapping with CFN-Init

CFN-INIT - powerful desired-state-like configuration engine that is part of CFN products

  • Previous, pass base 64-encoded data to OS via shell script
  • Using CFN-init helper script (configuration management system) auto installed on EC2 OS
  • Procedural (User data) vs Desired State (cfn-init)
    • Kinda like imperative procedural vs declarative functional programming
  • Manages packages, groups, users, sources, files, commands, and services
  • Provided with directives via Metadata and AWS::CloudFormation::Init on CFN resource


  • Starts with CloudFormation template that will make a stack that launches EC2 instance
				configSets: ...
				install_cfn: ...
				software_instal: ...
				install_wordpress: ...
  • CFN Init command passed from User Data to EC2 Instance
  • CFN Init also works with stack updates. If metadata changes, stack launched again.

CreationPolicy and Signals:

Previously, Template > Stack > Instance - Problem: Do not know if resource completion succeed. CF will not know regardless how the config is - Fine if it is blank EC2 instance, but problem if it has a bootstrapping process

Solution: Creation Policy

	Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
			Timeout: PT15M

This will create stack that launches instance and has 15 timeout signals

  • CF waits for resource signal
  • If output is not okay, then cfn-signal will report
  • /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e $? --stack ${AWS::StackId} --resource EC2Instance --region ${Aws::Region}

EC2 Instance Roles

EC2 Instance Roles - Roles that instances can assume with granted permissions


  • IAM Role with attached permission policy
  • IAM Role wrapped with InstanceProfile
    • InstanceProfile - allow permission to get inside instance, connector
  • Profile attached to instance
    • Delivered temp credentials via instance metadata

So, EC2 instance roles:

  • Credentials inside meta-data
    • Includes IAM/ Security-credentials/ role-name
  • Automatically rotated - always valid - Be careful to cache, check metadata before expire
  • Always use roles rather than access keys to instance
  • CLI tools use role credentials automatically

AWS SSM Parameter Store

AWS System Manager Parameter Store - AWS service to store various bits of systems config in resilient, secure, and scalable way

Parameter store:

  • Storage for configuration and secrets
  • Use CLI tooling on EC2 instance to get access to service
  • Types: String, StringList, SecureList
  • Store: License codes, DB strings, full configs
  • Hierarchal storing and versioning
  • Plaintext and ciphertext
    • integrates with KMS
  • Public parameters - Latest AMIs per region


  • Entity access SSM integrated with IAM
    • Entity - Anything that is AWS service or access AWS public endpoints
  • Encrypted parameters need KMS after


  • myDBpassword
  • /wordpress/
    • DBUser (/wordpress/DBUser)
  • Change can create events

aws ssm get-parameters --names /rate-my-lizard/db-string

aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --path /my-cat-app/

aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --path /my-cat-app/ --with-decryption

System and Application Logging on EC2

Background: CloudWatch is for metrics and CW logs is for logging. These cannot capture data inside instance.

Solution: Need CW Agent to capture this data with config and permissions

Steps Architecture:

  1. Install CW Agent into EC2 instance
  2. Set up agent config
  3. Set up IAM role with CW Logs permissions
  4. Instance injected log group into CW logs
    • var/log/httpd/error_log

Can use CloudFormatin for all these steps

CW Agent how to store config into logs:

  • Use Parameter Store to store agent configuration as param

EC2 Placement Groups

Normally, physical location is selected within AWS. EC2 Placement Group lets you influence where it is placed.


  • Cluster - pack instances close together
  • Spread - keep instances separated
  • Partition - group of instances spread apart

Cluster Placement Group

Cluster - Highest level of performance

  • Instance in same rack, sometimes same host
  • All members have direct connections to each other
  • 10 Gbps p/stream, normally 5Gbps


  • Cannot span AZs - one AZ locked when launching first instance
  • Can span VPC peers - impacts performance
  • Requires supported instance type
  • Use same type of instance (optional)
  • Launch at same time (optional, but v recommended)
  • 10Gbps single stream performance
  • Use case: Performance - fast speed, low latency

Spread Placement Group

Spread - Highest level of availability

  • Provides infra isolation
  • Each instance runs from different rack
  • Each rack has its own network and power source
  • 7 Instances per AZ hard limit
  • No support for dedicated instances or hosts
  • Use case: Small number of critical instances that needs to be separated

Partition Placement Group

Partition - When have > 7 instances per AZ, but need to be separated

  • Divided into partitions, max 7 per AZ
  • Each partition has its own racks, no sharing between partition
  • Each instance can be placed in specific partition
  • Great for topology aware app
  • HDFS, HBase, and Cassandra
  • Contain impact of failure

EC2 Dedicated Hosts

EC2 Host dedicated to you in its entirety

  • Specific family, a1, c5, m5
  • No instance charges, pay for the host
  • On demand and reserved options available
  • Host hardware has physical sockets and cores

Host is dedicated for specific family and size

  • Ex: A1 - 1 socket and 16 cores
    • 16 Med or 8 L or 4 XL or 2 - 2XL or 1 - 4XL

Nitro host - can contain mix and match instance with different size

  • R5 - 2 Socket and 48 cores
  • 12 XL + 4 2XL + 4xL or any possible


  • AMI Limits
  • Amazon RDS instances
  • Placement groups for dedicated hosts
  • Host can be shared with other ORG accounts…RAM

Enhanced Networking

Enhanced Networking - feature to improve overall performance of EC2 Instance networking

  • Uses SR-IOV - NIC is virtualization aware

    • SingleRoot-IOVirtualization
  • Allows host to be virtualization aware

  • Instead of presented as 1 physical network interface cards that needs to be managed, use multiple logical cards per physical card

  • Physical NIC handle process end-to-end without consuming a lot of host CPU

  • No charge - available on most EC2 types


  • Higher IO
  • Lower Host CPU Usage
  • More bandwidth
  • Higher packers-per-second (PPS)
  • Consistent lower latency

EBS Optimized Instance

EBS - block storage over network

  • Historically, network shared between data and EBS
  • EBS optimized - dedicated capacity for EBS
  • Most instances support and enabled by default
  • Some support, but enabling costs extra