intro to React Workshop materials that marcus and I hosted as part of ChaosHacks 2024 workshop


Setup Prerequisites

  1. visual studio code
  2. npm
  3. VSCode Extensions
  4. vercel account
  5. gitHub account (optional, but nice to haves for Vercel + Git Integration)

Project Setup

The React project uses vite - typescript + swc and tailwindcss. Deployment will use vercel.

  1. create the project folder
    1. npm create vite@latest
    2. Select your project name - chaoshacks24-react
    3. Choose react as the framework
    4. Choose TypeScript + SWC
      • TypeScript to build your project with full type-safety
      • SWC (Speedy Web Compiler) is super-fast TypeScript / JavaScript compiler written in Rust.
    5. cd test-project
  2. Install tailwindcss and embed it into project
    1. npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
    2. npx tailwindcss init -p
    3. Configure template paths in tailwind.config.js
      /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
      export default {
        content: [
        theme: {
          extend: {},
        plugins: [],
    4. Add tailwind directives in ./src/index.css
      @tailwind base;
      @tailwind components;
      @tailwind utilities;
  3. Enjoy development time
    1. npm run dev
    2. Go to http://localhost:5173/
    3. Recommended: Deploy with Vercel first, so it helps as another environment to run and test during development
  4. Deployment with Vercel - Guide (2 initial ways)
    • Command Line Interface - Easier but less convenient over time
      1. npm i -g vercel
        1. Install vercel
      2. vercel
        1. Set up vercel deployment
        2. Also used to update and upload project folder to newest build
    • Using GitHub - Better Integration and no need to redeploy every time - connected with GitHub.
      1. Make repository in GitHub
      2. Go to and import project from Repository
      3. Everytime code is pushed to GitHub will be automatically redeployed in Vercel
